Force-Feed your Art to Others

Posted by Rev. Chris Stangl on September 02, 2002 at 15:47:15:


The most important thing about NST is that anyone can play:

1- NO SHAME THEATRE season starts Friday, Sept. 6, 2002.

2- At 10:30 PM SHARP, the "Order" (list of art-pieces in the show) is "taken" (pieces collected and written down) by "Chris Stangl" (Iowa City's sweetheart; black suit, smells like coffee, rum) in the U of I Theater Building (it's near Hancher) lounge. loungue. Lownje.

3- The line forms very early, so arrive circa 10:00 pm.

4- BRING WITH YOU: TWO COPIES of a typewritten script.
"WHYYYYYY?!" One copy for you to hold and read on stage in the most unprofessional display of semi-preperation since last season, and one copy for the light booth operator. Lighting cues should be made VERY clear and simple. "Typewritten" so the booth can read it, so the Board of Direction can read it at Best Of Season selection time, and so it will be plainly visible which scripts do not fit the time limit rule:

-Pieces must be original.
-Pieces must not damage the space or its occupants.*
-Pieces MUST be five minutes or LESS. We will be timing you.

The first FIFTEEN pieces will be accepted.

*"Damage" includes placing the audience at health risk, and may consist of ANY clean up beyond clearing the stage of props, i.e. if it involves a mop or paper towels. "Occupants" INCLUDE THE PERFORMER and your mother.

It'll be fun.
As you were.

Rev. Chris Stangl