This was a little something I whipped up at work (Expanding Contracting, Inc.) where I had a top-of-the-line Macintosh, and apparently too much free time on my hands.

Because of the turmoil I had encountered during the selection process for Duck's Breath/No Shame back in 1987, I was leery of calling anything the "Best of" No Shame. However, I was not directly involved with No Shame at this time (or I would have called it something else, and the rest would not be history) and Cheryl (who was running the show) had asked me to make a poster for The Best Of No Shame Theatre, (or maybe I offered to do it because I knew I had the Mac and the time.) So I added the line about "Who says it's the best?" and I also made a point of mentioning every piece at least once somewhere on the poster. Then printed them myself on goldenrod cardstock.

Coincidentally, the font I chose for Margo was apparently the exact same font Scott B. Smith had used on the title page of his script. Although I think the font was called "San Franciso", so not really much of a coincidence when you think about it. ---Goode