No Shame Theatre Archives (2003-2004)


  1. Numbered entries indicate the piece's position in the order.


Fall 2003 No Shame Theatre Executive Board
Al Angel
Alyssa Bowman
Aprille Clarke
Jason Nebergall
Jamal River
Paul Rust

IC NO SHAME begins...
Theatre B - $1

And here's a couple new things to be aware of for this season:

1) The 5-minute rule is being strictly enforced. After 5 minutes, the stage-lights will give a warning flash. After 6 minutes, a trumpet will be blown and your piece needs to be over.

2) The order will be randomized. Order will be taken at 10:30pm as usual, but during the show, the numbers will be put in a hat and drawn at random. Special consideration (i.e. asking to wait one piece) will be given to those who need to prepare before their piece.


Friday, September 5th, 2003 - [Theatre B]
first No Shame of the semester
1hr 40min
1. Michael Tabor - Fishin'
2. Cassie Gonzales - Turkey Birthday
2.5 White Cat and Math Teacher (William Callahan and Michele Thompson) - It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
3. King Toad - Gleam
4. Dave or Steve - Dave or Steve Dot Com
5. Jason Nebergall - Autumn
5.5. David Fishel & Paul Rust - What SHE Said
6. Dan Brooks - Hot Knives
7. Scot West - How I Spent My Summer Vacation
8. Alyssa Bowman - Spiders Ate My Brownies
9. Aprille Clarke - Big Black Man
10. Stephen Ptacek - Languorous
11. Dave Strackany - A Song
12. Paul Rust - Adorable
13. Nick Clark - Beirut's Nightmare
14. Angry Lemon - We'll All be Dead
15. Cool Jesse (Blaine) - For Lack of a Better

Last Friday's No Shame will be on PATV, Cable Channel 18, this Tues. @ 11pm. I loved the show. If you did too, you can watch it a 2nd time. If you love every show for the rest of the season, you can watch each of them a 2nd time: Tues. nights at 11pm, Channel 18. Don't not go to the real No Shame just because you can see it rerun on TV, though. That was an excellent crowd last Fri, and it really helped make the show more exciting. I didn't type my name funny on purpose, my typing skills are just that poor. ---Jamal

Friday, September 12th, 2003 - [Theatre B]
1 hr 45 min
.5) Shock Boyz - Final Fantasy XXX
.51 David Fishel - The Magnificent Riches of Emperor Salisbury
1. Jason Nebergall - The Oldest Boy in the World
2. Dan Fairchild - The Old Bowling Ball and Chasin'
3. Jeremy Hoffman - Barky the Wonder Dogg Saves Ex Mass
4. Sarah Neilson - The Sax Man
5. Arlen Lawson - The Ferocious Swarm of Eric Vaughn
6. Michael Tabor - Triple Play
7. Michael Dhar - Burt, Who Ain't in Heaven
8. Emma Tremmel [& Cool Jesse (Blaine)] - Cool Jesse Presents the Teddy Bears' Picnic: a Song
9. Danger Brooks - The Cold Nazi Method
10. Lucas Salazar, Diana Grisanti, Sam Van Horne
11. Brad Hansen - 'Twas Beauty Killed This Beast - Or a Samurai
12. Denise Dooley - Joseph Estrada is Queen of the World
13. Dave (Strackany) - Song
14. Paul Rust - Cowboy Brian's Therapist is Bitten by a Horse
14.5 White Cat and Math Teacher (William Callahan and Michele Thompson) - Happy Halloween from Jim Davis
15. Michele Thompson and Paul Rust - Two Peas

Friday, September 19th, 2003 - [Theatre B]
1hr 35 min
1. Shock Boyz - Dentist Smiling Again After His Missing Giant Toothbrush is Returned
2. Michael Dhar - Aphorize This!
3. Cassie Gonzales - Belladonna Wine
4. Brad Hansen - God in Grade School
5. Jamlyssa Bowfart (Jamal River and Alyssa Bowman) - Dear Crumbly
6. Denise Dooley - You Make A Better Door: a Monologue for Candie
7. Improvisation (Al Angel and Jamal River) - Tripshugla
8. Dave Fishel - A History of American Policy
9. Cool Jesse (Blaine) - The Sunlight Diaries
10. Jason Nebergall - Sleep
11. Scot West - Angry
12. Paul Rust - I Always Thought You'd Look Nice with a Tight Perm
13. (Dan) Danger Brooks - Young Girls
14. Joe Mozina - ITLAPD
15. "J." (James) Lin Erwin - Excerpts from the Iowa Code, Article R: Tree Regulations
15.5. Michele Thompson, William Callahan, Bill McKenna - How the Camel Got it's [sic] Second Hump

Friday, September 26th, 2003 - [Theatre B]
1hr 25min
1. Matt Sprengler - Magic is Easy Once You Know the Secret
2. Cassie Gonzales - I'm Such a Bitch
3. Erin Brodersen - I Hate Fish
4. Paul Rust - We Published Your Diagram on How to Jump
5. John Schlotfelt - Red Eye
6. Cool Jesse (Blaine) - Room Temperature
6.5. Sam Brown (William Callahan?) - What am I?
7. Arlen Lawson - The Surrogate Funeral
8. Jason Nebergall - What's Your Deal?
9. Angry Lemon - Angry Lemon
10. Aprille Clarke - The Greatest Pen Pal in the World
10.5. Caleb Brown - When Bitten Thumb Meets Middle Finger
11. Denise Dooley - Fort
11.5. Shock Boyz - Order Filler
12. The Yakamishiis - Beagle Town
13. David Fishel - The Family Unit
14. Michael aka Red aka Jesus Oehler - Radio Conspiracy
15. Dave Strackany - A Song
16. Michael Tabor - I Like to Play Sports

photos Special 17th Anniversary Retro-Shame in the Truck
Friday, October 3rd, 2003
- [truck]
1) Todd Ristau (Iowa City, New York, Chicago, Charlottesville, Verona, Roanoke) - Chicken Sunday, (October 3rd, 1986: this may have been the very first piece I ever performed at No Shame.)

2) Paul Rust (Iowa City) - My Own Private Sitcom (performed on March 23, 2001 and later at BONS on May 5, 2001)

4) Mike Rothschild (Iowa City, Los Angeles) - Separate The Man From His Head, (LA November 1st, 2002, and at Best of LA)

5) Michael Tabor and Al Angel (Iowa City) - The Dog Can Fly, (May 2nd, 2003)

6) Mike Moran (Iowa City) - Stan Guthrie Quits Smoking, (October 20th, 1989)

6.5) JC Luxton (Iowa City) - The Hoop Sketch, (April 5, 1991)
CAST: Luxton, Smick, girl from audience

7) John Smick (Iowa City) - To Anna, (April 11th, 1997)
TO BE PERFORMED BY: Adam Burton, Carolyn Jacobson, J.C. Luxton, Fred Norberg, John Smick

9) Tony Trout (Iowa City) - It's the Going (1986)
CAST: Trout, Luke Pingel, Andy Schroeder, Jeff Lenhart

8) Howard Zimmerle and Jesse Wozniak (Cedar Falls, Iowa City) - The Hand Job: Redux, (debuted October 6th, 2000)

10) Neil Van Gorder (Cedar Falls, Iowa City), - The Greatest Treasure of the Whole Fair (November 16, 2001)

11) The Beckett Parody (Iowa City) - James Lin Erwin, (September 3rd, 1999)
CAST: James Erwin, Dan Brooks

12) Katie F-S (Cedar Falls) - My Vagina Monologue

13) Dan P. Brooks (Iowa City, New York) - Brett Deckers: Highly Excellent (October 29, 1999)

14) Mark Hansen (Iowa City) - A Pit-Stop in Pinterville, (February 19, 1999)
CAST: Mark Hansen and Chuck Monson in the leads, and Nick Clark as Chic, the denizen of Mamet Town.

15) Luke Pingel (Cedar Falls) - Agatha Christie (January 17th, 2003)

16) Michele Thompson (Iowa City, Yes Shame) - The Real McCoy, (September 20th, 2002)
CAST: Michele Thompson, Michael Tabor and Bill McKenna

17) Carolyn Jacobson (Iowa City) - Grappling with Charlotte Bronte (September 20, 1996)

18) Adam Burton (Iowa City) - Dish / Spoon (December 11, 1998)
CAST: Adam Burton and Chris Okiishi

19) John Shirley (Charlottesville, Verona) - Whipping Boy (November 22, 2002)

20) Adam Hahn (Iowa City, Austin, and the world) - According to David Harman, This Monologue is All About Sex (October 22nd, 1999)

21) Ronnie Wright (Iowa City) - Not Another Vegetable Sketch!, (April 19, 2002)

23) Jason Nebergall (Iowa City) - There's Nothing Sadder Than a Sad Pirate, (November 9, 2001)
CAST: Jason Nebergall, Matt Hart

24) James D. Wolf, Jr. (Iowa City) - Gary, Indiana, my Own Hometown or Why I Got Culture Shock in Iowa, (April 25, 1997)
CAST: Wolf, ??

25) Jeff Goode (Iowa City, Chicago, Los Angeles) - Doctor Yahtze: First Position (October 3, 1996: This was the first piece I ever performed at No Shame)
CAST: Goode, with Mike Rothschild

Special thanks to Guy Snodgrass for the truck and the lights. And to all the people who volunteered to run them... (Ashley? who else?)

Carolyn, Smick & Kris Farrar all got some pix of the show, which will be up on the website soon.

[#3 Mark Lohman and #22 Ben Schmidt were last minute cancellations. #9 Tony Trout jumped the gun, so #8 & 9 were performed out of order]

photos Friday, October 3rd, 2003 - [Theatre B]
1hr 50min
1. No Author Listed (John Shirley) - Thinkerspeak
2. White Cat and Math Teacher - Happy Halloween from Garfield
3. Jeremy Hoffman - Names Changed to Protect the Stupid
4. Paul Rust - Brothers in White Tuxedos
5. Mark Norris (Paul Rust) - 2003: A Toast 'Em's Odyssey
6. Liz Lazer - Dedication to Fanboy
7. Cassie Gonzales - For Papa
8. Jesse Wozniak and Howard Zimmerle - A Dissertation
9. Brad Hansen - One for the Audience Members
10. Michael Tabor - Bob Dylan Goes Crazy
10.5. Sadie ??? - Underpants Joke
11. Nozebone the Band - Do the Nozebone
12. Shock Boyz - I'm Gone Poke U in da Ass
13. Sarah Neilson - I'm Sick and Barely Have a Voice so Cassie is Playing Me
13.5. Fran Boyken - Man Eats Out Woman While She is Giving Birth
14. Naomi Nordine - The New Blue
15. Angry Lemon - Blood in the Water
16. Adam Heniger and Mark Norris - Babies of the Round Table
17. Andy Schroeder - True Film Facts
18. Jason Nebergall - What's Your Deal?
19. Michael Dhar - I Put Something Up Your Butt Last Night and I'm Not Telling You What It Is Until You Marry Me
20. Aprille Clarke - Stuff I Hate
21. Dan Brooks - Love Letter from Las Vegas
21.5 Seth Brenneman - The Enchanted Forest

photos Friday, October 10th, 2003 - [Theatre B]
1hr 10min
.5. Seth Megrit - Megrit
1. Michael Dhar - Dog Eat Dog Eat Dog
2. Spencer Griffin - Suex Ex Machina
3. Angry Lemon - Pneumonia
4. Paul Rust - I Thought You Said Ping Pong Balls
5. Shock Boyz - Mice
6. Mark Norris - Worst Exit EVER
7. Tom Kovacs - The Kitty Dilemma
7.5. Arlen Lawson - Gaining Power
8. Math "Sans White Cat" Teacher - Send in the Clown
9. Cool Jesse - Moped
10. Andy Schroeder - Grand Theft Auto 3 Makes Andy Crash His Car Into Other Car
11. Cassie Gonzales - The Greatest Gravedigger in the World
12. C. Matt Wiegand - Sweatshop Song
13. Jason Nebergall - What's Your Deal?
14. Aprille Clarke - The Worst Pen Pal in the World
15. Dan Brooks - Date Fuck Kill

Friday, October 17th, 2003 - [Theatre B]
1hr 30min
.5. The Welcoming Society - Lemonade for Sale
1. Paul Rust - Peach Cobbler
2. Doug Long - Trapped in an Igloo: A Tragedy in One Act
3. Dan Brooks - The Curse of Ming Lo Huoai
4. Timm Sitzmann - Talk About a Party
5. Cool Jesse - The Most Fun You Will Ever Have
6. Angry Lemon - June 18th
7. Brian Lenth - Two Guys Talk About Superman (Or So They Think)
8. Matt Wiegand - Black and White Movie
9. Nick Clark - I Love You, Jesus
10. Brad Hansen - God in High School
11. Jamal River - The Lady Who Found a Booger
11.5. Scott Presslak - The Most Hated Man in America
12. Cassie Gonzales - The Game of Not Breathing
13. Michael Tabor - Michael Tabor Colon(:) Asshole
14. Denise Dooley - The Presents are for You to Keep
15. Mark Norris - College: 2120
16. White Cat and Math Teacher - Why! You're a Living Cake of Soap
17. Jason Nebergall - Tjuzing
18. Arlen Lawson - Human Birth Agony

Heloo. I write to let you know that starting next week, "No Shame" theatre will no longer be airing on PATV. Nobody (me or Alyssa) wants to tape it anymore, on account of it's annoying to stare at the LED screen the whole show. So once again, each Friday night's performances will be lost to the ages, as God intented them to be. ---Jamal (10/22/03)

Friday, October 24th, 2003 - [Theatre A]
1hr 30min
.5) Bill McKenna- 3 Short Dialogues Wherein Paul Asks Ordinary, Every-Day Questions and Bill Responds Hinting at His Financial Irresponsibility
1) Cassie Gonzales - Mustache
2) Jesse - This
3) Dan Brooks - Screw You, Microsoft, Retard is So a Word
4) Mike Oehler - Rant
5) Matt Wiegand - Servant's Song
6) Anne Sullivan - Alfonso
7) John Schloffelt - Love Letter
8) Aprille Clarke - The Most Paralyzed Pen-Pal in the World
9) Jason Nebergall - Marigold Days
10) Mark Norris and Paul Rust - How to Treat Bunions When Lost in the Wilderness: A Survival Guide
11) Spencer Griffin - Saved By The Bell
12) James Horak - Machinotron 2000
13) Paul Rust - Paul Rust Masturbates On Stage
14) Jamie Margolin - Baby Jamie
15) Michael Dhar - Investing in Our Future

Mike Brooks (brother to Dan, cousin to the famous shoe company) offered No Shame this opportunity...

The 10,000 Hours Show, a homegrown James Gang endeavor that's producing a big time concert for which admission is hours of volunteer service in IC for the spring of 2004, is opening to the public for the first time this week. They're having a "FREEky Friday" ped mall event from 3 until 6 or 7 pm this Friday, October 31st.

From 3-4pm, No Shame Theatre will have the stage (in front of the Sheraton in the Ped Mall). If you're interested in writing or performing, show up around 2:45pm with your piece. Anybody can do this.

If you decide to, email Mike Brooks at, so he knows he can expect you.

photos Friday, October 31st, 2003 - [Theatre B]
1. Brad Hansen - Monster! Aaa!
2. Cassie Gonzales - A Monologues Which I First Performed One Year Ago
3. James (Happy Halloween) Horak - Willow Tree
4. Matt Wiegand - Hard Interstate
5. Jason Nebergall - AnDY laffS yOU UPP!!!
6. Anne Sullivan - Ocean Wave
6.5. Seth and William - William & Seth
7. Cool Jesse - This Will Scare You Stupid: A Monologue So Scary It's Stupid OR I Thought This Up While Watching Spike TV's Friday The 13th Marathon
8. Michael Tabor - Real Slow in the Car
8.5. Mark Norris - What We All Miss About Halloween and Kindergarten
9. Paul Rust - No Shame Entertainment Incorporated Presents... Your 2003 Halloween Sketch
10. Denise Dooley - Do you like a sucker bunny rabbit, do you like a lolly?
11. Andy Schroeder - Penis, Anyone?
12. Aprille Clarke - The Most Reluctant, and Eventually Greatest, Pen-Pal in the World

Friday, November 7th, 2003 - [Theatre B]
1. James Horak - Wheezy vs. Hangnail
2. Sarah Neilson - Hot Chocolate
3. Roe Llyod - The Roe Show Volume 1
4. Candie W. - Untitled
5. Cool Jesse - Cool Jesse Makes Love to an Otter: An Experiment in Sound
6. White Cat, Math Teacher, Bony Macaroni, and Cart Wheel - Earth 2
7. Mark-pheus Norris - A 5-Minute Rundown of Everything that Happened in the Matrix Revolutions
8. Dan Brooks - A Hilarious Sketch for and About High School Students and Robots
9. Michael Tabor - Fancy Pants
9.5 Seth Meow Grit and William Breneman - Meow Grit
10. Nick Clark - Cruiser the Cat a Yesbat show
11. Paul Rust - Derrick and Leroy
12. Timm Sitzmann - Maybe It Won't Ever Happen
13. Naomi Nordine - Slash Remix or Its You Who Creates the Art

Friday, November 14th, 2003 - [Theatre B]
1. Bill McKenna - Jon Rustanglarkaborgallpookrivonzallahangelson OR It Takes More Than Fiber Supplements to Make You Regular
2. Silver Dollar Tabor - Fireball Island!
3. Andrew Dooley - Ladies in the House My Number is 734-454-6674
4. James Horak, Age 9 - It's a Wrestler's Life: A Choose Your Own Adventure
5. Aprille Clarke - The Most Sarcastic Pen-Pal in the World
5.5 Jamal River - I'm not making an excuse, I'm just telling you what happened
6. Scott Presslak - Questions that Keep Me Up on Friday Night
7. Carolyn Space Jacobson - Blind Friend Jim
8. Anne Sullivan - Fish Tank
9. Candice Weuhle - The Orchid Heart
10. Cool Jesse - Damsel in Distress
11. Alyssa Bowman - Old Hippie vs. Young Hippie
12. Jason Nebergall - Love in the Atomic Age
13. Angry Lemon - Monster
14. Paul Rust - Look at the Limestone Rainbow
15. Brian Lenth - I Have Written a Review of Tonight's Show

Friday, November 21st, 2003 - [Room 172]
1. Seth "The Beekeeper" Brenneman - Enter the Beekeeper, Written & Directed by the Wachowski Brothers
2. Jason Nebergall - Thanksgiving with Mr. Piggles
3. David Fishel - The Bedtime Story of Sinclair Synclare
4. Paul Rust - Me & My Girl Are Sick
5. Matt Wiegand - Vampire Song
6. Michele Thompson - Christmas Guest
7. Candice Wuehle - A Simple Story
7.5 Jamal River - Monkey & Cat
8. Aprille Clarke - Checkers' Day at Mercy Hospital
9. [Jason had to leave, this was not performed]

10. Carolyn Space Jacobson - George Eliot's First No Shame Piece

11. Mark Norris - Snakes are for SQUARES
12. Michael Tabor - Job 15:21

Friday, December 5th, 2003 - [Theatre B]
1. Anne Sullivan - Mountain Don't
2. Doug Long - Pskik vs. Magneto
3. Caleb Brown - There's a Fire in the Hallway! Everyone get out!
4A. Paul Rust - Knights in Satanic Service
4B. Timm Sitzmann 6 - Simply Put
5. Dave Strackney - Babes to Barbies
6. Mark Norris - The Power of the Rook
7. Cassie Gonzales - Johnny Shot Out of a Cannon
8. Brad Hansen - Special Delivery
9. Angie Bork - Dirty White Tennis-Shoes
10A. Anon - Jason Maron's Standup Comedy Set
10B. Angry Lemon - Malaise
11. Jamal River - The White Stones of Antarctica
12. Aprille Clarke - A Series of Short Sketches About Deadies
13. Jason Nebergall and Michael Tabor - The Jack
14. White Cat and Math Teacher - We Wish You a Merry Mich Mich from White Cat and Math Teacher
15. Carolyn Space Jacobson - Piece for Adam

photos Best of No Shame
Friday, December 12th, 2003
- [Mabie Theater]
1. Michael Dhar - Dog Eat Dog Eat Dog
2. Michael Tabor - Triple Play
3. Dave Strackany - A Song
4. Denise Dooley - Fort
4.5 Shock Boyz - Sex
5. Dan Brooks - Young Girls
6. Erin Broderson - I Hate Fish
7. Angry Lemon - Oh My god
8. Paul Rust - Cowboy Brian's Therapist is Bitten By a Horse
9. Cassie Gonzales - For Papa
10. Aprille Clarke - The Greatest Pen Pal in the World
11. Arlen Lawson - The Surrogate Funeral
12. White Cat, Math Teacher, Bony Macaroni, and Cart Wheel - Earth 2
13. Carolyn Space Jacobson - Blind Friend Jim
13.5 Sadie Smith - Underpants Joke
14. Anne Sullivan - Fish Tank
15. King Toad - Please Be Nice to People
16. Jason Nebergall - Love in the Atomic Age
17. Dave Fishel and Paul Rust - What SHE Said

Continue on to Spring 2004