Photo Album

poster Friday, April 21 & 22, 1989 - The Best of No Shame Theatre

[Pictures from Ristau's files which appear to have been taken at the first Best of No Shame on April 21st or 22nd, 1989]

Dead Panther: Talking Parrot (Mark Johnson as Christ, Greg Armknecht)
(Stuart Hoyle on piano)
(Brad Schnurr)
TDR article [Printed in the article which appeared in The Drama Review, Spring 1990. Photo by Eric Pot.]
(Todd Ristau)

Callboard article [Printed in an article which appeared in the University Theatres Fall 1990 "Callboard".]

Dead Panther: Talking Parrot (Mark Johnson, Hannah Gale, Jeri Lynn Schulke, Mike Moran, Michele Sohner, Jewels Peter, Greg Jackson)