Sanford Meisner and Son
by Eric C. Johnson and Doug Steckel
copyright © 1991

Performed by Eric C. Johnson and Doug Steckel

(Doug & Eric appear on stage)

E: Good Evening, tonight--

D: Good Evening, tonight we have been called back to Iowa City to once again honor one of our finest entertainers . . . Redd Foxx. So without further ado, we present to you . . . Sanford Meisner and Son!

(They turn their backs and sing)
(E sits. D enters.)

D: Hey, Pop!
E: Lamont . . . you a dummy!
D: I'm a dummy?
E: You a dummy.
D: I'm a dummy?
E: You a dummy.

(Ad nauseum. PAINFULLY SLOW BLACKOUT . . . if possible)

"Sanford Meisner and Son" debuted October 18, 1991, performed by Eric C. Johnson and Doug Steckel. The first No Shame piece to receive a standing ovation and immediate request for an encore.

Performed at Best of No Shame on December 13, 1991.

Performed at Best of the Best of No Shame on October 11, 1996.

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