copyright © 1999 James Erwin

Get Down On Your Fucking Knees, You Miserable Wretches, For I Bring You Theatre
by James Erwin

Brothers and sisters... Brothers and sisters, I love the Lord.

Do you love the Lord? Do you LOVE the LORD?

I love the Lord. I love the Lord Almighty. I love the Lord and in his infinite mercy, in his infinite- mercy- the Lord loves me. The Lord loves every sinner, every man, woman, and child. Do you feel the Lord's love? Can you feel the love that shines from God's heart? Do you feel his hands upon you?

Well, brothers and sisters. I stand before you tonight to give you God's message. Mmm! God burns within my heart, and he does guide me. He does guide my pen, my mind, my soul- and the words I give unto you tonight, were truly given unto me.

Brothers and sisters... the Lord came unto me last Tuesday night. He came to me in the fastness of sleep, and he did send me his... Word. The WORD! OF! GOD! Praise Jesus, now! Hallelujah! Brothers and sisters, I say again unto you, the Lord Jesus did visit me. In my dream, I was walking. I was walking through the field of Golgotha. I did see... trees bent by drought and wind and in a thousand shapes by the Hand of God. I did see a mighty battle, and twelve times twelve thousand did lay dead upon that field. I saw twelve thousand skulls stare back empty at me, twelve thousand limbs rent asunder, I saw twelve thousand streams run thick and red with angry blood.

I did not count each stream, for the Lord God did give unto me to understand their number, just as I did not need to ask where I was, for although in this dream I stood in the bleachers of Comiskey Park, the Lord God made me to see that this was the plain of Golgotha. I give praise, I shout unto the Lord that he gave me this light. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

There in the stands- there in the stands of Comiskey Park- I was eating a corn dog. It was the same corn dog my father bought me when I first did see the Bengals play as a youth. And I did bite deep into that corn dog, and dragged the meat off the stick in that dog's center. While I ate that corn dog, while I looked out upon the Host of Jesus Christ, I felt a hand upon my shoulder. I turned around. I turned around, brothers and sisters, and saw my Savior standing there, I saw Jesus Christ and I felt His tender mercy in that touch. I saw the power and the glory, I saw the Lord God stand revealed unto me while he did come unto me as the Christ Child, hallelujah! Amen! Amen!

The Christ Child was young, and stood upon the bleacher to reach my shoulder. He wore a Bengals cap. And He spoke unto me. He said, the Lord Christ said, "Brother Franklin, are you humble in the sight of the Lord?" I said that I have always counted myself penitent for my many many sins. He said, "Brother Franklin, are you truly so contrite?" I said, "Lord Jesus, test me. Let me offer God what meager joy he may take from the faith of a weak, weak sinner." And brothers and sisters, the Christ Child did bid me take down my pants. There in the field of Comiskey Park, there in the stream of twelve thousand hearts pierced, there did the Christ Child in His infinite mercy roughly- I said roughly! take me in the ass. AMEN! HAL-LE-LU-JAH! For I have felt the Lamb of God, I have felt His Word, I have felt his throbbing meat piston slam roughly into my weak and lustful prostrate! I say lustful, brothers and sisters, I say lustful, for even as I lay with my forehead pressed into that corn dog and the bleacher did burn my cheek, I did have lustful thoughts for our Lord Jesus Christ, GOD FORGIVE ME! Brothers and sisters, bow your head with me!

Sweet Lord, I beg You to hear the words of a man truly humble in Your sight. I beg You to hear me, for You did make love to me over a week ago, and I have not heard from You since. O Lord, Thy actions do confuse me and suffuse me with both joy and terror. You did come unto me, and unto the small of my back, and yet You did leave without a word that night! I pray unto You for a sign, I pray unto You for some small light along this terrible journey. Praise unto Your Name, praise unto You, sweet Lord. Some light. Some light.

Lights down.


"Get Down On Your Fucking Knees, You Miserable Wretches, For I Bring You Theatre" debuted October 8, 1999.

Performed at Best of No Shame on December 10, 1999.

Performed at No Shame / Cedar Falls on November 1, 2002, by Neil Van Gorder.

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