What would you share if you weren't afraid?

To apathy, to entropy, to empathy, ecstasy
Vaclav Havel - The Sex Pistols, 8BC,
To No Shame - never playing the Fame Game
     --from Rent

No Shame Theatre

New York City

(est. 2009)

354 West 45th Street
(between 8th and 9th Avenues)

Every Friday at midnight
No Shame Message Center
The following sites are independently-operated message boards and fan boards hosting unrestricted discussions related to No Shame Theatre.
  • t.b.a.

The national phenomenon of No Shame Theatre has reached the Tank and NYC. Each show, the first 15 people to sign up receive up to 5 minutes of stage time. No rules. No limits. No Shame. From intensely prepared dramatic monologues to whimsical ramblings about a favorite Arbor Day, No Shame Theatre allows you to share yourself on stage in whatever way you deem fit. Puppet Show? Yes. Team Trust Falls? Yes. Confessions from your high school prom as an interpretive dance? Very much yes.

Come share and enjoy the catharsis that is performing with No Shame.


No Shame Calendar
How do I get to The Tank?

No Shame Theater is...
For more information about No Shame Theatre in New York,
contact: Aaron Saenz at adsaenz [at] gmail
